Well Hello There! Glad you made it. My name is Amanda. I've been a photographer for about 10 years. I fell in love with photography in the dark room in high school. There is just something magical about watching an image emerge from a blank piece of paper. So it didn't take much thought to know I wanted to pursue photography in college. While I was earning my Bachelors in Art with an emphasis on photography I started Chafe Photography.
I've learned so much since then and continue learn new things and watch myself grow as an artist. So many aspects of photography are magical and special. Capturing moments, fleeting and beautiful moments are a true passion of mine. I hope to create many many of these memories in my lifetime.
Here are some facts about me:
*I love Harry Potter (like a lot). Must be the magic thing :)
*Warm socks straight from the dryer are the best
*I could live off of macaroni and cheese. The homemade kind is best, but I love the boxed variety too.
*I don't drink much soda but I do have a thing for root beer. Whenever I see one I haven't had, I have to try it! Follow my root beer tastings on instagram: #itsjustrootbeernotbeerbeer
*I am a hopeless romantic. I love cheesy Hallmark movies and sappy love stories. Probably why I love capturing those sweet and wonderful moments so much.
*And most of all, life is too short and it can be tough. So I belive in being kind, helping others and paying it forward.